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Image by Mike Yukhtenko
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  • Vukan

How We Reached 3.2M Crypto Users in 4 Months Organically on Instagram: Key Takeaways

Between October 2023 and February 2024 the Blockformer team was able to reach over 3,200,000 accounts for one of our clients, completely organically. Through our content strategy we saved our client $10,000 - $15,000 in ads, according to Instagram.

3.2 million accounts reached and 2,370 new followers added in 4 months, completely organically
3.2 million accounts reached and 2,370 new followers added in 4 months, completely organically
3.2 million accounts reached and 2,370 new followers added in 4 months, completely organically

Our Strategy

The Target Group

The client that we are focusing on in this case study has built a crypto investment mobile app that simplifies the entire investing process for end users, meaning that our target group for the social media strategy should be the "retail market".

Through our content plan and strategy we primarily focused on content that would appeal to crypto novices and individuals looking to get started with investing in cryptocurrencies.

The Platform

The primary social media platforms for reaching this target group are TikTok and Instagram, but as we also want to build a brand through for the client through our social media, we decided with the client that our primary focus was going to be on Instagram.

As Instagram allows video and image content, which TikTok does not, we believe that it is the superior platform to showcase a comprehensive image of a brand or company.

The Content

As our target group are crypto novices looking to get started with investing, we decided to focus on content that educates and brings value and entertains the users we are reaching.

We brought education to our community by posting educational content on our Stories, we brought value by creating infographic posts with information and data that crypto novices would not have the ability to easily get, and we entertained our community with our crypto-meme videos, which is also the way we reached the majority of users.

2 Key Takeaways

1. Having a Diverse Content Plan

Although we have reached well over 3 million people in the last 4 months, it wasn't always like this. In the first 3 months of working with the client, we haven't been able to achieve any significant growth, reaching a much lower number and acquiring a much smaller number of followers.

This is how our numbers looked in the first 3 months of working with the client: Only 3,600 accounts reached, 700 profile visits and 78 new followers.

Our first 3 months with the client, while only posting video content
Our first 3 months with the client, while only posting video content
Our first 3 months with the client, while only posting video content

The primary reason for this slow growth was our focus on only 1 format, short-form videos, also known as Instagram Reels. Ever since TikTok set the standard for video-led growth, short-form has been the go-to for reach on all social platforms, but for companies, videos alone are not enough.

After realizing this content strategy was unsuccessful, in mid-September we changed our plan to a balanced content calendar with all content formats, including Image posts, Carousels, Stories, and Videos. This shift to a balanced content plan helped us grow the client's Instagram and subsequently reach over 3.2 million accounts in 4 months, organically.

Nonetheless, video content is the format through which we reached the majority of users, but without implementing other formats into our strategy as well, video alone would not have worked (we learnt this the hard way...).

2. Consistency above anything else

Although important, having a diverse content plan isn't the main priority for growth, it's consistency. This word gets thrown around way too often in the marketing world, but for organic growth on social media, it truly cannot be understated. Once you find a strategy that works - just stay consistent.

We started our diverse content plan with the client in mid-September, but have failed to see any improvement in growth until mid-October. This means an entire month of seeing no improvements from the previous plan.

Our growth with the client in the first 3 months
Our growth with the client in the first 3 months

Nonetheless, we stayed consistent and after a month of no progress, finally, it happened - The Breakout. A piece of content we produced reached 100,000 people in a single day, and since then, the growth hasn't stopped.

We continued with our consistency, and a little over 3 months after, we hit our second breakout, when a piece of content reached over a million people a single day.

Before November 2023 we were reaching 50 - 100 accounts per day, now we are reaching 3,000 - 30,000 per day. We got both results using the exact same content plan, the only difference is that it just took time for the algorithm to adapt to our new strategy.

Our growth with the client after implementing a consistent diverse content strategy
Our growth with the client after implementing a consistent diverse content strategy

Working hard and staying consistent with a diverse content plan is difficult when you see no results for a month, but that is when you understand the true meaning of "consistency". Make a good strategy, stay consistent for at least 4 - 8 weeks, and only change afterwards if it's not producing results.

To reach out to the Blockformer team to work together, please contact To keep up with Blockformer content and updates, follow us on social media: Instagram - @Blockformer X / Twitter - @BlockformerLLC YouTube - @Blockformer TikTok - @Blockformer LinkedIn - @Blockformer


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